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Promise: all and allSettled

Promises… How long can one hold on to such promises? Nonetheless, this short blog refers to promises in JavaScript. There are two static methods from the Promise object that are used to handle multiple promise instances that resolves to an array of values. These methods are useful for validating and aggregating promise results....
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CSS Box Sizing Property

Styling with CSS is fun until you scratch your head when unexpected styling behavior starts to surface. Most of the time, web developers encounter overflowing content after applying style properties to an element. This is a “shoot yourself in the foot” moment where an element starts to overflow when setting such style properties....
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Experience With Hugo

Building a personal site is never an easy task, although there are tools and frameworks available for web developers to aid in the building process. In this blog, I will share with you my Hugo development experience and the bits of knowledge I’ve gained when building my personal blogging site....
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Javascript Capture Event

Events in javascript have been a great way to execute tasks based on different types of explicit or implicit action. Events can be attached to an element using the addEventListener method. There are cases where we attach the same type of event to a parent and its descendants. How do we determine the order of event handling?...
